CBClickbank.com program afiliasi gratis dimana Anda bisa menghasilkan $161,452.38 hanya dengan mendaftarkan 3 orang teman Anda !
Cara Kerja :
CBClickbank.com menggunakan sistem matrix 3 x 15 level, jadi Anda cukup mengajak 3 orang rekan Anda melalui link referal Anda dengan format : http://cbclickbank.com/affiliate/?r=id_anda dan anggota anda juga masing-masing mengajak 3 orang rekannya sampai pada level 15 maka Anda berpeluang menghasilkan $161,452.38. Untuk rincian dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut :
CBClickbank.com juga menggunakan sistem spillover, dimana apabila upline Anda sudah memiliki 3 orang downline pada level 1 (Level langsung di bawahnya), maka otomatis Anda akan mendapatkan refferal langsung dari hasil spillover upline Anda.
Pembayaran :
Anda dapat mencairkan pembayaran Anda kapan pun melalui halaman member Anda dengan syarat minimum pendapatan Anda telah mencapai $110 untuk paypal, $125 jika menggunakan Check, dan $25 jika menggunakan Wallet Purchase. Jika Anda belum memiliki account paypal, silahkan mendaftar disini.
Buruan... Jangan sampai terlambat! Gratissssssssss......
Untuk mendaftar silahkan klik : http://cbclickbank.com/
Selamat Mencoba
Monday, July 28, 2008
Daftar Gratis di CBClickbank.com Berpeluang menghasilkan $161,452.38
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Domain Baru untuk Yahoo! Mail
Yahoo! baru-baru ini telah menambahkan dua nama domain baru untuk alamat emailnya yaitu @ymail.com dan @rocketmail.com. Ketika sebelumnya dikenalkan domain terkait kode negara seperti yahoo.co.id, pemilihan alamat email yang sebelumnya sudah ada [nama_saya]@yahoo.com, tidak bisa dibuatkan [nama_saya]@yahoo.co.id, jadi tetap saja pemilihan namanya semakin jauh dari yang diinginkan, misalnya terpaksa menggunakan [nama_saya2009]@yahoo.com atau [nama_saya2009]@yahoo.co.id. Ini karena sudah saking banyaknya pemilik account Yahoo! yang sekitar 266 juta.
Dengan penambahan dua nama domain baru ini, Yahoo! ingin penggunanya mempunyai pilihan lebih baik dalam alamat emailnya dan misalnya untuk saya, ketika saya tidak beruntung mendaftarkan alamat email bisnis79[at]yahoo.com, kini saya bisa dan berhasil mendaftarkan alamat email bisnis79[at]ymail.com, dengan tampilan dan fasilitas sama persis dengan Yahoo! Mail yang berlaku saat ini. Dengan menggunakan dua nama domain baru ini, ketika akan login dan mengakses email, Yahoo! ID yang digunakan menggunakan alamat email lengkap.
Dalam hal penggunaan alamat email, Google dan Microsoft sudah selangkah lebih bagus dengan memungkinkannya penggunaan nama domain sendiri untuk alamat email. Mungkin juga penggunaan nama domain baru pada Yahoo! Mail merupakan persiapan dalam penyediaan fasilitas email dengan nama domain sendiri, dan nantinya Yahoo! ID adalah alamat email pengguna Yahoo! Mail secara lengkap seperti yang diterapkan untuk nama domain yang saat ini sudah disediakan.
Daftar Yahoo! Mail dengan Domain Baru | via Downloads Squad
Sumber : http://maseko.com/
High Paying Adsense Keywords Like Domains Yahoo
Domains Yahoo - Average price per click : $97.44
This is a keyword that is usually at the top of everyone's high paying list, and I'm not entirely sure why. Yahoo has a domain name registration service for webmasters. That means you can go to them and register the website address you want. This is a very inexpensive service. I do not think Yahoo offers any publicly available affiliate program or referral service for this registration service, so I would think the only entity bidding on this keyword would be Yahoo itself. That doesn't explain why the average cost per click is so high. This one just baffles me. It might be Yahoo trying to protect it's brand, or it might be some weird glitch. It could even be Google doing this on Yahoo's behalf to avoid getting sued by their biggest competitor. I should also note that "domains yahoo" is very weird grammar, perhaps Yahoo offers some service is a different country that is much more profitable, and these keyword bids are just a weird translation. "Domain name yahoo" is often second on some high paying keyword lists.
This page of Domains Yahoo information is intended to show you why it is a high paying keyword, so you might be able to understand what you'll need to know to make a website centered around it. Other sites just give you a list, I am just trying to explain why each keyword is on those lists. I do not claim to be a Domains Yahoo expert, and I encourage you to do your own research. The price for each keyword comes from a variety of high paying keyword lists, and I do not guarantee it is accurate at the time of your visit.
Hair Removal Washington DC - Average price : $68.00
This is another weird group of words that is worth a lot of money. To explain it, we have to look at several factors. Laser hair removal can be quite expensive. Women will often do this to get rid of unsightly moustaches and beards. Pause for a moment to laugh a little. Ok, now let's look at the other part, Washington DC. Our nation's capital. I've done a little research and found a few apparent competitors for this type of service. Sona Med Spa and Alternative Health Associates seem to be among the top contenders. Could this keyword be the result of a vicious bidding war? Probably. I do not expect to see this kind of thing last though, so you might not want to build a site around such a specific keyword. If you're interested in laser hair removal you might be able to make a profitable site out of that, but focus on more than the washington dc area.
This page of Hair Removal Washington DC information is intended to show you why it is a high paying keyword, so you might be able to understand what you'll need to know to make a website centered around it. Other sites just give you a list, I am just trying to explain why each keyword is on those lists. I do not claim to be a Hair Removal Washington DC expert, and I encourage you to do your own research. The price for each keyword comes from a variety of high paying keyword lists, and I do not guarantee it is accurate at the time of your visit.
This page of Hair Removal Washington DC information is intended to show you why it is a high paying keyword, so you might be able to understand what you'll need to know to make a website centered around it. Other sites just give you a list, I am just trying to explain why each keyword is on those lists. I do not claim to be a Hair Removal Washington DC expert, and I encourage you to do your own research. The price for each keyword comes from a variety of high paying keyword lists, and I do not guarantee it is accurate at the time of your visit.
Lemon Law Wisconsin - Average Price : $66.15
Lemon laws are different in each state. They protect car buyers who purchase vehicles that have a history of just not running well. Even models with a long history of reliability, such as a Toyota Corolla, can be labeled a lemon. Some cars are just made during a bad day at the factory. Lemon law keywords that are specific to every state are valuable because lawyers want to handle your lemon law case. They can get you lots of money from the car dealer, and a nice sum for themselves as well. So why does Wisconsin top the list? Because they love the cheese! Seriously, if you're going to make a website about lemon laws, include seperate pages of information for each state, do not just focus on the home of the Packers. There are probably just a couple law firms bidding these keywords up, they will come down.
This page of Lemon Law Wisconsin information is intended to show you why it is a high paying keyword, so you might be able to understand what you'll need to know to make a website centered around it. Other sites just give you a list, I am just trying to explain why each keyword is on those lists. I do not claim to be a Lemon Law Wisconsin expert, and I encourage you to do your own research. The price for each keyword comes from a variety of high paying keyword lists, and I do not guarantee it is accurate at the time of your visit.
Benchmark Lending - Average Price : $40
Benchmark lending was something I had never heard of. I did some research, and found it has to do with interest rates and banking, which seems to be a popular theme among high paying keywords. The benchmark rate is set by the Federal Reserve in the United States, and it is the interest rate the banks pay when they borrow money. That's right, your bank borrows money, too! They must have a certain amount of money on reserve, and when they don't they borrow money over a very short term (such as one night). So why is this term so valuable? Banks and mortgage companies seek out people who might need a loan. Banking makes it's money on loans, it's just a valuable business to be a part of when there are lots of customers. This price seems almost reasonable compared to many of the other keywords.
This page of Benchmark Lending information is intended to show you why it is a high paying keyword, so you might be able to understand what you'll need to know to make a website centered around it. Other sites just give you a list, I am just trying to explain why each keyword is on those lists. I do not claim to be a Benchmark Lending expert, and I encourage you to do your own research. The price for each keyword comes from a variety of high paying keyword lists, and I do not guarantee it is accurate at the time of your visit.This page of Benchmark Lending information is intended to show you why it is a high paying keyword, so you might be able to understand what you'll need to know to make a website centered around it. Other sites just give you a list, I am just trying to explain why each keyword is on those lists. I do not claim to be a Benchmark Lending expert, and I encourage you to do your own research. The price for each keyword comes from a variety of high paying keyword lists, and I do not guarantee it is accurate at the time of your visit.
Peritoneal Mesothelioma - Average Price : $36.00
Websites based around Mesothelioma started popping up around the same time sites started publishing lists of high paying keywords. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer caused by exposure to a type of asbestos used in building materials for decades. There have been many class-action lawsuits filed by people who got sick. This is where the value of the keyword came from. Lawyers want lots of people to join their class-action lawsuit. More people means a bigger settlement, and a bigger settlement means a bigger cut for them. And they don't have to do any more legal work than if they were just filing a lawsuit for one client! I would not recommend making a mesothelioma website to make money right now. There are just way too many people doing this, and there is no way the advertising is paying anywhere near the price the lawyers are paying per click. A mesothelioma website would only be good right now if it for educational purposes. Perhaps it's that kind of site that will eventually get a good ranking on Google, and hopefully sick people will finally get the quality information they need.
This page of Peritoneal Mesothelioma information is intended to show you why it is a high paying keyword, so you might be able to understand what you'll need to know to make a website centered around it. Other sites just give you a list, I am just trying to explain why each keyword is on those lists. I do not claim to be a Peritoneal Mesothelioma expert, and I encourage you to do your own research. The price for each keyword comes from a variety of high paying keyword lists, and I do not guarantee it is accurate at the time of your visit. It is the average price paid to get that keyword listed in the advertisers results. It is not the price that adsense pays per click. That price fluctuates and is against their terms to disclose.
Source : http://damox.com/high-paying-adsense-keywords.htm
Monday, July 21, 2008
Trik ampuh meraih dollar lewat game head tail
Strategi ini digunakan untuk game dengan peluang 50-50. Head, tail, left, right, dll dimana profitnya minimal 2x atau 200% atau lebih! Jika tidak 2x atau 200%, maka 100% win menjadi tidak berlaku! Dan yang dimaksud 100% Win bukan berarti anda tak pernah kalah! Anda mungkin kalah beberapa kali, tapi anda tak akan pernah rugi, karena setiap kekalahan anda akan terbayar oleh sekali anda menang berikutnya! Ya, sekali anda menang kekalahan anda yang tadi tertutupi plus anda akan dapatkan keuntungannya!
Sebelum anda memasuki bagian game, Anda sebaiknya memahami logika ini! Ini logikanya: Bayangkan! Berapa besar kemungkinan jika anda melempar koin 10 kali berturut-turut hasilnya sama terus? Tak mungkin Anda kalah 10x berturut-turut! Ya, tak mungkin "TAIL" muncul 10x berturut-turut tanpa diselingi "HEAD" sekalipun!
(contoh duit 500 "burung garuda vs angka 500" munculnya burung garuda terus) Coba sendiri ambil koin, lempar 1000x, catat hasilnya, lalu hitung, pernahkah muncul yang sama 10x berturut-turut? Memang peluangnya ada. hitungannya dibawah 0,1%. Tapi itu cuma peluang. Kenyataannya tidak akan pernah terjadi! Silahkan coba sendiri! Artinya, dalam realita harusnya 100% menang. Meski secara peluang hanya 99,99% :)) Saya bisa pastikan 100% anda menang!
Dan 100% win berlaku jika anda mengikuti petunjuk dibawah ini serta mencobanya hingga selesai!
- Pilih bet-nya dari yang terkecil dulu $0,1
- Pilih "HEAD" atau pilih "TAIL". Ingat, sekali anda memilih, jika anda kalah, anda tidak boleh merubahnya! (contoh: jika anda memilih "HEAD", maka seterusnya anda harus tetap memilih "HEAD") Jika menang anda boleh merubahnya.
- Klik "Play now!"
- Bayar bet-nya dengan E-gold (Ingat, rekening egold anda harus ada isinya supaya bisa bermain.) Setelah itu anda akan tahu menang atau kalah.
- Jika menang, ulangi langkah ke-1 (Kemenangan langsung otomatis ditransfer ke rekening egold anda saat itu juga!) Jika kalah, bet lagi dengan jumlah dobel dari kekalahan. Gunakan pilihan yang sama dengan kekalahan sebelumnya.Misal tadi kalah $1 dengan pilihan "head", maka sekarang bet $2 harus pilih "head"! Dengan begitu, jika menang, anda tetap untung meski tadi sebelumnya kalah! Hitungannya jika menang, anda dapat 2,5x atau 250% (bet $2 dapat $5, untung $3 dikurangi $1(kekalahan sebelumnya) anda masih untung $2 !!!)
- Selanjutnya anda bisa mengulang-ulang langkah ke-5 Anda bisa stop jika dirasa sudah cukup!
Saya Akan berikan contoh perhitungan keuntungan dari trik ini untuk memahami tabelnya.Dengan trik ini, yang dicari adalah "untung".Tidak masalah anda kalah berturut-turut 5x dan hanya menang sekali. Anda tetap untung.
- Kalah 7x berturut-turut = $0,1+$0,2+$0,5+$1+$2 = $3,8
- Lalu taruhan selanjutnya anda adalah $4(dobel/ganda dari kekalahan sebelumnya yaitu $2). Jika menang = $10
- Maka anda tetap untung = $10 - modal $4 - $3,8 =$2,2
- Itu hitungan sebenarnya
- Jadi setiap kali anda menang, anda untung $2,2 bahkan bisa lebih besar, tidak peduli berapa banyak anda kalah karena setiap 1x menang, kekalahan sebelumnya akan lunas oleh "hanya" sekali menang. Coba Anda Perhatikan, Kemenangan Anda Selalu lebih besar dari total seluruh kekalahan anda sebelumnya! Anda Cuma butuh sekali menang dan seluruh kekalahan anda akan terbayar lunas hanya dengan sekali menang saja.
- Jadi, anda bisa memilih head atau tail secara tetap 10x berturut-turut.
Bayangkan.!!! Jika anda bermain 52 menit (sekitar 1 jam) saja setiap hari dan mendapat $150,maka dalam satu bulan anda akan mendapat $4500 (30hari x $150)
WOOWWW!!! Fantastis!!!! Very easy to make money!!!!!!!
Sebelum Anda Mulai Bermain:) Anda harus punya rekening e-gold. Jika anda belum punya rekening e-gold, silahkan buat account e-gold baru! Lalu kemudian anda harus mengisinya. Jika sudah punya, silahkan langsung bermain tanpa perlu buat account baru.
Klik disini untuk membuat Account E-gold baru!!
Klik disini untuk mengisi Account E-gold Anda!!
Untuk Bermain Di Situs Games Dibawah ini!
(Klik Gambar dibawah ini Untuk Mulai Bermain!!)
(Hanya Di Situs Ini Yang Benar-Benar Membayar Kemenangan Anda)
Apabila situs GETGOLD.BIZ yang Saya
referensikan ini ternyata tidak membayar kemenangan anda.
Garansi ini hanya berlaku pada situs GETGOLD.BIZ
dengan syarat anda harus bermain
melalui klik link situs getgold.biz yang ada di blog ini.
Download Artikel : TRIK AMPUH MERAIH $150 PER JAM
Referensi : raih-dollar.co.cc
Friday, July 11, 2008
Pasang Iklan Berpeluang Menghasilkan Rp.526.juta,- setiap tahun !
Kini hadir dengan Konsep LUAR BIASA dalam Ber-Iklan & Ber-Bisnis :
Di sini, iklan Anda berpotensi dibaca oleh 100.000 orang, atau 1.000.000 orang, atau bahkan tak terbatas !!! menyebar bagaikan Virus Ganas yang tidak pernah akan ada obatnya! Menggunakan Sistem Network Matrix 2 X 18 Level yang akan memastikan iklan anda dilihat oleh Jutaan orang ...setiap saat,..... setiap waktu.!
1. Modal Hanya Rp.37000,-
2. Cukup mengajak 2 orang saja
3. Bonus Mencapai Rp.526.juta,- setiap tahun !
4. Bebas Menyebarkan Iklan seperti VIRUS
5. Ber-Garansi Sukses 100%
URL refferal saya : http://tinyurl.com/jutaan
Info Lebih Lanjut : http://www.MuslimPromo.Com
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Download File di Ziddu dapat Dollar
Belum lama ini saya menemukan sebuah situs yaitu Ziddu yang memberikan layanan upload atau Hosting file, bisa file terkompres seperti ZIP atau RAR atau file-file lain yang kamu sediakan untuk di download orang lian. Bisa juga upload file foto, audio maupun video. Layanan hosting file yang disediakan situs ini adalah layanan gratis. Kebanyakan layanan hosting file gratisan memberikan batasan kepada kita untuk mengupload file, biasanya dalam ukuran file maksimal atau kapasitas penyimpanan file.
Tetapi Ziddu ini berbeda, mereka tidak memberikan batasan yang terlalu kecil bagi kita, ukuran file maksimal yang bisa diupload adalah 200 MB, ukuran yang sangat besar menurut saya, dan tidak ada batasan dalam kapasitas penyimpanan file.
Yang lebih menarik lagi, justru kita akan dibayar bila ada orang lain yang men-download file yang kita hosting di Ziddu. Kita akan mendapatkan bayaran $0.001 tiap file kita didownload. Uang dapat ditarik lewat paypal dan Moneybookers stelah mencapai 10 dollar. berarti sekitar 1000 kali didownload. Kemudian kita akan dapat $0.1 bila ada orang lain yang bergabung dengan Ziddu melalui referal kita.
Berikut link-link file yang telah saya upload ke ziddu :
- PCMAV 1.2
- VCD Cutter 4.0.4
- Panduan Inter-MetroFund
- Panduan Forex Trading
- TipsTrikKomputer
Kalau mau bergabung dengan Ziddu melalui referral saya silahkan klik disini, Join Ziddu.
Program lain seperti ziddu antara lain : Bizhat, sharedimages.org dan 4Shared.
Download E-booknya : PanduanPenghasilanInternetGratis.zip
Daftar gratis, dapat dollar melalui hasil survey di Internet
Peluang Menjadi Tenaga Survey di Internet - A.W.$urvey.
Apakah anda sedang online di internet?
Manfaatkan waktu anda dan dapatkan komisi dengan mengisikan survey. Gratis dan tanpa biaya dan anda akan dibayar setiap survey yang telah anda kerjakan. Mudah dan Terjamin.
Perlu diketahui redeem $75 akan kita terima sebesar $50 dan dipotong biaya oleh paypal sebesar $2,25 jadi bersih yang kita terima $47,75. Lumayan.
Saya bisa mendapatkan nominal $27 dengan menyisihkan waktu sekitar 15 menit untuk melengkapi surveys yang tersedia untuk bulan ini. Selain itu bonus anda akan bertambah $1,25, setiap ada orang yang mendaftar atas referensi anda.
Anda tertarik ? kunjungi:
atau klik banner berikut untuk daftar :
Untuk daftar e-currency silahkan klik link berikut :
Paypal : www.paypal.com
E-Gold : www.e-gold.com
Alertpay : www.alertpay.com
Liberty Reserve : www.libertyreserve.com
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Rekomendasi Program PPC Gratis dapat dollar
Akhir-akhir ini perkembangan member Pay Per Click meningkat sangat pesat. Diantara program-program yang ditawarkan ada yang menawarkan penghasilan yang menggiurkan, tapi setelah ditelusuri ternyata masuk kategori SPAM. Jadi Anda harus hati-hati memilih program PPC yang menawarkan income yang besar.
Pay Per Click Itu Apaan sih?
Neh hasil copy paste dari Wiki Pedia biar jelas :
Pay Per Click yang berarti dibayar tiap klik adalah sebuah metode kerjasama periklanan di internet dimana webmaster atau pemilik situs akan dibayar atas setiap klik pengunjung situs pada link iklan yang terpasang di website atau blog miliknya. Pada umumnya program - program PPC (Pay Per Click) mengisyaratkan blog atau website kita harus blog atau website yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Ada banyak sekali program - program PPC salah satu diantaranya adalah:
Sebelum mulai mengikuti program Pay Per Click, yang penting juga neh kita wajib memiliki e-currency untuk mencairkan dana hasil program PPC tersbut. E-Currency yang diperlukan antara lain : paypal, e-gold, alertpay, Liberty Reserve dan lain-lain.
Download E-book : PanduanPenghasilanInternetGratis.zip
1. Seven Bux
Perklik (PTC) : 1 – 5 cent
Per Signup (PTS) : $0.20 - $1.00
Komisis Refferal : 50%
Pembayaran Minimum : Alertpay Min $1, E-Gold Min $0.02
Lama Pembayaran : 1 – 48 Jam
Website : http://www.seven-bux.com
Click disini untuk melihat bukti rek e-gold saya
2. Cash-Mails
Jenis : PTC, PTR, PTS
Perklik : PTC : 0.01 – 1.5
Pembayaran: Paypal, E-Gold.
Website : http://cash-mails.com/
Bukti rekening paypal :
3. Click Salary
PTC Perklik : 0.01 - 1.5
Website : http://www.clicksalary.com/
4. Cash-Hi
PTC Perklik : 0.01 - 1.5
Website : http://cash-hi.com/
5. No-Minimum
Daftar : GRATIS
Refferal : Level 1: 26, Level 2 :3
Payment :E-Gold, Paypal
Website : http://www.no-minimum.com/
Click untuk lihat bukti di e-gold
6. Click Sense
Jenis : PTC
Website : http://www.clixsense.com/?2475046
Click Banner Berikut Untuk Daftar :
7. FoxCash.net
At FoxCash.net, you get paid to click on ads and visit websites.
The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website for 30 seconds to earn money. You can earn even more by referring friends. You'll get paid $0.0150 for each website you personally view and $0.01 for each website your referrals view. Payment requests can be made every day and are processed through AlertPay. The minimum payout is $10.00.
Untuk daftar klik : http://www.foxcash.net/
8. Think Bux
9. Isabelmarco's
The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website for 30 seconds to earn money. You can earn even more by referring friends. You'll get paid $0.01 for each website you personally view and $0.01 for each website your referrals view. Payment requests can be made every day and are processed through AlertPay. The minimum payout is $10.00.
Website : http://www.clixmx.com/?r=aipdam
11. JillsClickCorner
E-Currency : E-Gold, Paypal, AlertPay
Daftar : 100% Gratis
Jenis : PTC
Perklik :$0.0024, $0.0010, $0.0001
Click untuk lihat bukti di e-gold
12. Persian PTC
PTC : 1-5 cents per click
PTS : $0.20 - $1.00
Referral : %25 referral earnings
Sign Up Bonus : $0.10
Minimum Payout: $5.00
Payments: within 1-48 hours
Download E-book : PanduanPenghasilanInternetGratis.zip
Selamat Mencoba !
Finding Great AdSense Keywords
When someone asks "What are good AdSense keywords?" they are really asking about the best keywords to optimize their pages with which have AdSense ads on them. Success with AdSense is all about driving traffic to niche websites. The chosen keywords to optimize the site's pages with will make or break efforts to earn income from Adsense.
Success requires choosing a niche area without too much competition. Yet, the niche must have enough interest to insure there are sufficient numbers of searches. Many people choose niches which are simply too competitive to ever have a chance of being ranked on the first page of search engine results. This is the most common mistake made when creating AdSense sites.
AdSense keywords for a given niche must allow the site owner to rank his or her pages on the first or second pages of Google and/or Yahoo search result pages. The best way to find these AdSense keywords is to brainstorm with the many free keyword tools available online. I have found even the free versions to be of great help for discovering AdSense keywords which can be used to optimize pages with. I particularly like the Google keyword tool. Simply do a search for "keyword tool" in Google and it is usually the first result.
When you find possible keywords, they should be checked in a Google search with quotes around them. Notice the number of total sites with that keyword in the content. For example, if there are 500,000 other sites with that keyword, it is probably too competitive of term for you to ever get traction with. On the other hand, if the AdSense keyword shows only 5,000 other sites, it can be very easy to rank well in the search engines.
Monday, July 7, 2008
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Top Monitoring HYIP
Below you'll find the list of the most popular and trusted monitorings. Our market research shows these monitorings stay among the biggest and the most expensive in the industry. Programs found at the top monitorings are the richest and the most visited so they may be worth of your attention.
We list ALL MONITORED programs from the following monitorings:
Started in 2004. The site has no advertising at all. Number of monitored programs is the biggest among the top monitorings. GoldPoll has simple but informative interface, its own toolbar and honest rating.
Started in 2004. Attractive and original design. Contains a lot of interesting HYIP-related information. Constantly evolves introducing new features.
The site is relatively new. It started in the middle of 2006. Professional promotion strategy has made HYIP.com one of the leading monitoring portals in the market. Heavy traffic and high advertising prices indicate the site's great potential.
Started in November, 2003. The site differs greatly from all other HYIP monitorings with its unique design and high prices. It invests its own money to every monitored program. The site has much additional HYIP-related info.
Started in 2003. Hundreds of small monitorings use HYIPMonitor.com design now. This monitoring has earned a good reputation thanks to simplicity, honesty, stability and good traffic.
Started in June 2004. HotHYIPs collects a lot of interesting statistics about each listed HYIP program.
Started in August, 2003. MyHYIP has strong position at HYIP market owing to its ability to satisfy both investors and HYIP programs admins interests.
Started in 2006. InvestDaddy specializes in autosurfs mainly but has a good HYIPs listing too. The site has the most detailed and feature-filled Program Details section.
Source : hyipbanker.com
Sunday, July 6, 2008
How To Buy Domain Names
You have to register a domain name through a domain registrar. These registrars have to become accredited (a very tough and pricey process) through an non-profit corporation called ICANN (Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers). The cheapest you can find a domain for is about $9, because domain registrars have to pay a fee of around $6 for every domain that they register. Some registrars are better than others, and I will tell which ones you generally want to avoid. The registrars that I use to register:
Yahoo Domains: I probably use Yahoo more than any other registrar, and I do recommend them to anybody, especially somebody just starting out with domains. The price is very affordable at $9.99 a year, no hidden fees like GoDaddy, and they have a very easy-to-use interface. If you have more than one domain, this is particularly the case. I do find their support very effective, in case you need to ask them any questions. They also offer some web hosting packages, and although more expensive than GoDaddy, I do find them to be much more reliable, and they have some great tools for people who have never designed a site before. UPDATE: If you go to smallbusiness.yahoo.com right now, you'll see that it costs $9.99 for a domain. I found a coupon to get the first year for just $1.99, just click the Yahoo Domains link at the top of this paragraph, or right here. I would definitely recommend trying out Yahoo Domains now and maybe even their web hosting, because that is just a great price.
GoDaddy.com: Probably the most well known registrar, and the cheapest. You may remember some of their Super Bowl ads from the past 2 years. They charge $8.95 for .com domains, but they also tack a .25 cent ICANN fee on, so its really $9.20. They have a promotion going on, where you get domains for only $1.99 when you purchase another non-domain product from them. If you buy a domain, you are going to need hosting, and they definitely one of the cheapest web hosts, so you may want to get those together and save. My only beef with them is that when you are registering, they bombard you with tons of ads promoting all of their other products.
Dotster.com: This is a good registrar, but they are slightly more expensive than the others at $14.95, but they do include some great features, such as free URL forwarding, free domain parking, free SpamShield, free TransferLock, and free ownership transfers. If you don't know what most of those things do, then you probably don't need them, but they can be helpful for domain power users.
Those are 3 domain registrars that I have personal experience with, and I can recommend each one. Personally, I give the edge to Yahoo, but you may find that you like GoDaddy or Dotster more.
Now, there are two registrars that I have heard plenty bad about, and would recommend that you avoid. Those would be RegisterFly and 1&1 Internet. RegisterFly pretty much just won't help you at all, and if you ever want to transfer your domain or need any help, I don't think you're going to get very far with them. The problem with 1&1 is that they sell domain names solely to promote their web hosting, and so they can be very uncooperative if you do not use their web hosting, and from what I have heard from quite a few people that have tried their hosting, you do not want to use it. That's my advice, you can take it or leave it, but I have quite a bit of experience in the area of domain names, and I am confident in what I say.
I hope this article helps you get started in the world of the world wide web, and you can get a domain registered, and get some hosting to get your domain rolling.
Source : yahoo4youbuy.blogspot.com
What is a High Yield Investment Program (HYIP)
A High-Yield Investment Program (HYIP) is a type of scam. At one time, it was used to refer to an investment program which may have offered a high return on investment. The term "HYIP" was abused by the operators of scams to camouflage their scams as legitimate investments. Due to this overuse by the operators, HYIP has become synonymous with scam or Ponzi scheme. The usage of the term has evolved to refer to a kind of Ponzi scheme that recruits "investors" through the Internet.
HYIP operators generally set up a website offering an "investement program" with returns as high as 45% per month or 6% a day that discloses little or no detail about the underlying management, location, or other aspects of how money is to be invested because no money is invested. They often use vague explanations, asserting little more than that they do different types of trading on various stock markets or exchanges to generate the returns they purport. The SEC has said the following on the matter: "These fraudulent schemes involve the purported issuance, trading, or use of so-called 'prime' bank, 'prime' European bank or 'prime' world bank financial instruments, or other 'high yield investment programs.' ('HYIP's) The fraud artists... seek to mislead investors by suggesting that well regarded and financially sound institutions participate in these bogus programs."
Some investigators believe that the majority of HYIPs are Ponzi schemes, in which new participants provide the cash to pay a profit into existing investors' accounts. However, as there are no formal statistics available about the HYIP sector, much of the material in this article is based on anecdote and conjecture.
HYIPs are able to succeed in collecting large sums of money for the operators because the initial payoff to first and second round participants helps the scam to continue spreading by word of mouth as long as new participants are found and/or old participants leave their money in the scheme in hopes of gaining interest on their principal payment. Participants are usually presented some form of an appeal to emotion or faith that the HYIP will help them achieve quick financial freedom. HYIPs may also mirror Pyramid Schemes by offering current investors incentive commissions, for example 9% of current investment, to recruit new investors.
The introduction of e-currencies in the late 1990s made it possible for HYIPs to operate on the Internet and across international boundaries, and to accept large numbers of small payments. HYIPs usually accept payments by either e-currency, like e-gold, and INTGold (now defunct), or use specialist third party payment processors like AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, CEPTrust, TriStarMoneyChangers and StormPay.
The largest documented HYIP scam was OSGold, founded as an e-gold imitation in 2001 by David Reed. OSGold folded in 2002. According to a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in early 2005, the operators of OSGold may have made off with USD $250 million.
CNet reported that:
At the height of its popularity, the OSGold currency boasted more than 60,000 accounts created by people drawn to promises of "high yield" investments that would provide guaranteed monthly returns of 30 percent to 45 percent.
The second largest documented HYIP was PIPS (People in Profit System or Pure Investors). The investment scheme was started by Bryan Marsden in early 2004, according to the Wayback Machine record of pureinvestor.com, and spanned more than 20 countries. PIPS was investigated by Bank Negara Malaysia in 2005 which resulted in Marsden and his wife being charged in a Malaysian court with 97 counts of money laundering more than 77 million RM, equivalent to $20 million.[6] Even after these charges were brought forth, many of Marsden's followers and investors continued to support him and believe they would see their money in the future. This type of rationalization and denial can often be seen on many HYIP forums.
Source : en.wikipedia.org
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Mau Gaul dan Dapat Dollar ? Lihat Review kami tentang Yuwie
Hanya Dengan Berkenalan, Mengajak Teman Lama, Nongkrong Bareng, ANDA Dibayar Dengan DOLLAR Oleh Yuwie! Daftar GRATIS! Habis Daftar DAPAT UANG!
Yuwie? Apaan sih itu?
Yuwie adalah situs social networking seperti halnya MySpace, Facebook, Multiply, atau Friendster. Hanya yang membedakannya adalah ada pembagian keuntungan bagi anggota Yuwie. Setiap bulan Yuwie akan membagikan keuntungan dari iklan yang didapat kepada seluruh member!
Yuwie adalah social networking (sejenis friendster) pertama di dunia yang membayar para membernya!
Kenapa Yuwie bisa membayar anda?
Logikanya mudah saja... setiap anda membuka suatu halaman, pasti ada iklan di halaman tersebut... terutama Google Ads... nah dari situs Yuwie mendapat uang untuk membayar Anda.
Simple-nya seperti ini :
Perusahaan lain beriklan di Yuwie > perusahaan itu membayar Yuwie > Yuwie membayar anda. Sangat logis !!
Bagaimana cara saya dibayar?
Anda memiliki 2 pilihan:
- Yuwie membayar Anda melalui Paypal. Selanjutnya dari Paypal dapat langsung ditransfer ke bank Anda di Indonesia (BCA, Muamalat, BRI, BNI, dst). Keterangan tentang PayPal bisa dilihat di paypalindonesia.com
- YUWIE dapat mengirimkan cek ke berbagi negara termasuk Indonesia. Jika anda memilih metode ini, anda dikenai biaya $1 untuk pengiriman.
Berapa Yuwie membayar?
Anda akan dibayar sesuai dengan RSR (revenue sharing rate) yang berlaku di bulan berjalan... seperti contoh dibawah ini seandainya anda mengajak 3 teman dan teman anda mengajak 3 teman lagi hingga kedalaman 10 level, dan setiap referral membuka 1000 halaman per bulan...
Per halaman yang dibuka (per impression/view), semua itu akan dihitung 1 (satu) dan akan diakumulasikan. Porsi earning yang Anda dapatkan dari referral adalah sampai dengan level 10.
- Anda - 10%
- Level 1 - 10%
- 2 - 10%
- Level 3 - 4%
- Level 4 - 4%
- Level 5 - 4%
- Level 6 - 4%
- Level 7 - 4%
- Level 8 - 10%
- Level 9 - 10%
- Level 10 - 30%
Apa saja yang dihitung ketika ada orang membuka halaman kita?
Ketika siapa saja member Yuwie membuka halaman ini, maka akan dihitung 1:
1. halaman profil anda
2. halaman blog anda
3. melihat semua teman anda (all friends)
4. melihat semua komentar anda
5. halaman picture anda
6. jika seseorang melihat halaman layout anda.
Ketika anda melihat halaman-halaman ini, juga dihitung 1:
1. Beberapa halaman control panel.
Yang tidak dihitung:
1. Me-load ulang atau me-refresh halaman
2. Membuka halaman kurang dari 3 detik.
Cara menghasilkan jutaan views
Sekarang mungkin anda bertanya... "Bagaimana menghasilkan jutaan views supaya bonus saya besar?"
Cara terbaik supaya halaman kamu dilihat adalah menambah lebih banyak content pada profil anda. Add banyak teman, tinggalkan komentar untuk teman, upload banyak pictures, dan aktif dengan blog. Semua itu bisa membuat orang lain melihat banyak halaman dari profil anda. Lebih aktif anda, lebih banyak dilihat halaman anda. Ingat, setiap anda menambahkan profil pada halaman anda, semua teman anda diberitahu melalui friend feed mereka.
Yang tidak kalah penting, ajak teman2 Anda bergabung dengan yuwie di bawah Anda (menjadi referral Anda) ! Semakin banyak referral Anda (teman yang bergabung atas saran Anda) maka semakin cepat uang Anda bertambah.
Setiap aktifitas teman anda itu, views yang mereka hasilkan akan diakumulasikan dengan total views anda... maka total views anda pasti makin banyak :)
Ajak teman Anda untuk bergabung di bawah Anda dengan mengarahkan ke URL referral Anda. Tunjukkan URL Anda, suruh teman meng-kliknya, lalu sign-up dari halaman yang dibuka URL referral Anda itu. Anda bisa melihat URL referral Anda di control panel account Yuwie Anda.
* contoh URL referral saya :
* contoh URL profile saya :
Setelah teman Anda terdaftar sebagai referral Anda, tuntun dia untuk melakukan hal serupa (mencari referral lain) supaya downline anda semakin banyak lagi. Mudah bukan?
Jutaan views itu sangat mungkin karena teman yang anda ajak pasti punya teman lagi dan jika ia mengajaknya maka total views temannya teman anda itu juga akan diakumulasikan pada total views anda, terus dan terus hingga kedalaman 10 level, maka pada saat itulah anda sangat mungkin mendapatkan cek $10,235.49 (sekitar Rp. 94.166.508,-) per bulan.
Di hari pertama gabung saja (21 feb 2008) saya sudah punya 20 (dua puluh) referral! Rahasianya, sebarkan URL referral Anda ke teman-teman Anda, dan ajak bergabung melalui URL referral Anda. Promosi via email, post di mailing list, post di forum, kasih pesan di YM, tulis di blog Anda, dan lain sebagainya.
Mudah bukan? =)
Ayo segera bergabung dengan Yuwie!! Klik tombol di bawah, lalu klik "sign up now" dari halaman yang terbuka . JANGAN NUNGGU LOADINGNYA SELESAI, karena agak lama. Buruan!
NOTE :Setelah join, segera cari referral baru =)
Untuk Join Klik disini !
Daftar > Ajak Teman > Hang Out (seperti di FS) > Terima cek $ dari Yuwie
Pay Per Play (PPP), Model baru Iklan dapat dollar
Pay-Per-Play (PPP) mempunyai cara kerja hampir mirip dengan yang kita kenal sekarang pay-per-click,hanya sajaPPP merupakan advertising dengan audio dan bekerja setiap kali kita masuk kedalam situs ,durasi iklan audio sekitar 5 Detik,Yang menarik lagi bisnis ini akan menjadi tren baru di internet. Jadi pendapatan anda berdasarkan jumlah traffic yang masuk ke situs anda.Tidak seperti pay per click yang selama ini kita kenal anda hanya mendapat panghasilan dari iklan yang di klik saja. Yang menguntungkan apabila anda lakukan sekarang adalah bisnis ini akan di mulai 1 feb 2008. Jadi anda mempunyai kesempatan yang lebih besar apabila anda mulai membangun jaringan anda dari sekarang
PPP atau Pay-Per-Play adalah sebuah model contextual advertising di mana dengan memasang kode tertentu yang disediakan di website Anda maka setiap pengunjung yang datang ke website Anda akan disuguhi iklan audio berdurasi 5 detik. Di sini pengunjung tidak perlu mengklik suatu link iklan sebagaimana halnya dengan adsense (PPC). Anda akan mendapatkan earning tanpa mengharuskan pengunjung melakukan klik iklan. Jadi yang anda perlukan hanyalah mendatangkan pengunjung sebanyak-banyaknya ke website Anda.
Setiap pengunjung hanya akan mendengar satu kali iklan audio. Jadi pengunjung tidak akan dibombardir dengan sejumlah iklan audio yang sering malah mengganggu kenyamanan surfing. Iklan audio yang ditayangkan akan disesuaikan dengan topik atau konten website Anda, dan tidak akan ada iklan yang berorientasi adult dari NetAudioAds, jadi website-website adult kelihatannya tidak akan bisa diikutsertakan dalam program ini.
Berapa income yang bisa Anda peroleh dari PPP ini? Anda akan memperoleh income dari 3 sumber, dan ini cukup istimewa dibandingkan dengan PPC adsense misalnya. Pertama, Anda akan mendapatkan 25% revenue share dari biaya yang dibayarkan oleh advertiser untuk setiap “play” iklannya. Menurut NetAudioAds, 25% ini akan jauh lebih besar dari harga per klik yang diberikan oleh Adsense. Kedua, Anda akan memperoleh komisi referral sebesar 5% dari revenue yang dihasilkan oleh referral Anda (orang atau publisher yang Anda referensikan). Ketiga, Anda juga akan memperoleh 5% dari publishers yang direferensikan oleh direct referral Anda. Jadi di sini berlaku sistem two tier affiliate (komisi referral 2 level).
Meski PPP ini memberikan gambaran potensi yang cukup bagus, Anda jangan terburu nafsu dulu. Program ini memang sudah diujicobakan dan sudah berjalan selama 2 tahun lebih dan telah melibatkan 66.000 advertisers serta 550.000 website publishers. Ini menghasilkan 45 juta impression setiap bulannya. Tapi, public launching global baru akan mulai 1 Pebruari 2008. Jadi apa yang bisa Anda lakukan lebih kurang dua bulan ke depan ini?
Anda bisa registrasi sekarang dan bangun network Anda dengan mereferensikan program ini kepada sebanyak mungkin calon publishers. Sehingga pada saatnya nanti program ini aktif, Anda sudah memiliki partner yang cukup banyak yang akan menghasilkan komisi referral bagi Anda.
Daftar gratis di sini sekarang.
Untuk menerima pembayaran dari PPP, Anda memerlukan account PayPal. Jadi bila Anda belum punya account Paypal, segera signup. Info paypal dapat Anda baca di sini.
Referensi :
- edy4life.com
- bisnis-ala-internet.blogspot.com