Wednesday, January 14, 2009

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Penghasilan US$580.4 dari Blog / Bulan

"Nge Blog Dapet Duit" (Edisi Internet Marketer) adalah panduan lengkap yang menjelaskan bagaimana blog anda bisa menghasilkan duit untuk anda (Ya, walaupun anda sedang tidur!)... dan mengarjakan anda step-by-step bagaimana membuat blog anda dengan Wordpress (dilengkapi dengan lebih dari 100 gambar yang tinggal anda ikuti, tiru dan contek)...

Apa Saja Yang Bisa Anda Dapatkan Dari Panduan Lengkap "Nge Blog Dapet Duit" (Edisi Internet Marketer):

  • Mengapa kebanyakan orang gagal ketika mereka terjun di dunia Internet Marketing, dan yang lebih parahnya lagi adalah mereka tidak tahu mengapa mereka gagal
  • Apa kejelekan kita sebagai seorang Indonesia yang amat sangat bisa menghambat kita mencapai kesuksesan di Internet Marketing
  • Internet Marketing sebenarnya dapet duit dari mana sih? Anda tidak perlu ragu lagi apakah Internet Marketing adalah sebuah scam atau tidak, karena saya menjelaskan bagaimana anda benar-benar bisa dapet duit secara sah
  • Mengapa harus buat blog? Mengapa bukan website biasa saja?
  • nge blog dapet duit Mengapa pakai Worpress? Mengapa tidak pakai platform/sistem blog yang lain seperti Blogger?
  • Apa itu domain dan mengapa anda memerlukannya
  • Hosting apa sih? Fungsinya untuk apa saja?
  • Bagaimana mengarahkan domain anda ke hosting anda sehingga ketika anda mengetik, blog anda akan muncul
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  • Bagaimana anda bisa merubah design dan layout blog anda
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  • Bagaimana membuat blog anda menghasilkan duit, dan mengapa anda sebaiknya membuat blog yang
  • tips bisnis internet Bagaimana Memasang Iklan Google Adsense Di Blog Anda
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Info selengkapnya silahkan kunjungi

Rahasia Mendapatkan Jutaan Dari Internet

Rahasia Hebat, bagaimana cara mendapat uang secara online hanya dalam 30 menit

Jika anda menginginkan untuk mulai bikin duit beberapa puluh ribu atau malah beberapa ratus ribu setiap harinya dengan hanya bekerja beberapa jam saja setiap minggunya, anda perlu benar benar menyimak apa yang saya tuliskan dibawah ini.

Sekarang anda dapat memulai menjalani hidup anda sesuai dengan apa yang anda inginkan! Apa maksud nya…untuk saya ialah ngga perlu lagi dibangunkan dari tidur setiap pagi dengan weker. Ngga perlu lagi terima perintah dari Boss. Ngga perlu kerja mati matian dan bikin orang lain kaya. Ngga perlu pusing tujuh keliling bayar tagihan tepat waktu. Itu berarti bisa lebih banyak waktu buat keluarga. Liburan 6 kali setahun. Jalan jalan pakai mobil mewah dan belanja ke mal jam 2 siang selagi banyak orang lain harus kerja dikantor.

Dengan Menggunakan “Rumus Rahasia Saya" Anda Bisa Menghasilkan Antara Rp. 1,75 Juta Sampai Rp. 2,70 Juta Sehari Dari Kenyamanan Ruang Keluarga Anda Atau Saat Anda Tidur!

Informasi Lebih Lanjut Kunjungi :

Tuesday, August 19, 2008 Alternatif Pay Per Click buatan anak Indonesia adalah jaringan Blogger Indonesia untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan dari Blog, Memiliki cara kerja yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi lokal. adalah eksekusi beberapa ide / teori yang pernah diungkapkan oleh beberapa blogger Indonesia dalam menanggapi fenomena beriklan melalui blog.

Tiap blog punya karakternya sendiri, segmennya sendiri. blog yg cukup populer mungkn bisa dapet minimal 15.000 unique visit per month. Jauh dibanding FS atau Detik. Tapi saya takin yang lebih dari 15.000 unique visit ini lebih dari 150 blog. Seandainya mereka semua mau dan tidak keberatan tergabung dalam 1 jaringan dengan advertising dikelola oleh 1 pihak (misalnya), tentu jumlahnya nggak main2. Yang diperlukan adalah standar ukur dan rate placement yg berbeda utk rentang blog (entah gimana caranya nyusun ini spy fair di kalangan blogger).

Tidak ada konsep baru dari website ini, web site ini diolah dan diramu berdasarkan inspirasi dari Google Adsense, AdBrite, Bidvertiser, diskusi dari beberapa forum, mailing list dan Blog-blog berpengaruh di Indonesia.

Untuk mendaftar klik :

Program PPC Sejenis :

Monday, July 28, 2008

Daftar Gratis di Berpeluang menghasilkan $161,452.38 program afiliasi gratis dimana Anda bisa menghasilkan $161,452.38 hanya dengan mendaftarkan 3 orang teman Anda !

Cara Kerja : menggunakan sistem matrix 3 x 15 level, jadi Anda cukup mengajak 3 orang rekan Anda melalui link referal Anda dengan format : dan anggota anda juga masing-masing mengajak 3 orang rekannya sampai pada level 15 maka Anda berpeluang menghasilkan $161,452.38. Untuk rincian dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut : juga menggunakan sistem spillover, dimana apabila upline Anda sudah memiliki 3 orang downline pada level 1 (Level langsung di bawahnya), maka otomatis Anda akan mendapatkan refferal langsung dari hasil spillover upline Anda.

Pembayaran :
Anda dapat mencairkan pembayaran Anda kapan pun melalui halaman member Anda dengan syarat minimum pendapatan Anda telah mencapai $110 untuk paypal, $125 jika menggunakan Check, dan $25 jika menggunakan Wallet Purchase. Jika Anda belum memiliki account paypal, silahkan mendaftar disini.

Buruan... Jangan sampai terlambat! Gratissssssssss......
Untuk mendaftar silahkan klik :

Selamat Mencoba

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Domain Baru untuk Yahoo! Mail

Yahoo! baru-baru ini telah menambahkan dua nama domain baru untuk alamat emailnya yaitu dan Ketika sebelumnya dikenalkan domain terkait kode negara seperti, pemilihan alamat email yang sebelumnya sudah ada [nama_saya], tidak bisa dibuatkan [nama_saya], jadi tetap saja pemilihan namanya semakin jauh dari yang diinginkan, misalnya terpaksa menggunakan [nama_saya2009] atau [nama_saya2009] Ini karena sudah saking banyaknya pemilik account Yahoo! yang sekitar 266 juta.

Dengan penambahan dua nama domain baru ini, Yahoo! ingin penggunanya mempunyai pilihan lebih baik dalam alamat emailnya dan misalnya untuk saya, ketika saya tidak beruntung mendaftarkan alamat email bisnis79[at], kini saya bisa dan berhasil mendaftarkan alamat email bisnis79[at], dengan tampilan dan fasilitas sama persis dengan Yahoo! Mail yang berlaku saat ini. Dengan menggunakan dua nama domain baru ini, ketika akan login dan mengakses email, Yahoo! ID yang digunakan menggunakan alamat email lengkap.

Dalam hal penggunaan alamat email, Google dan Microsoft sudah selangkah lebih bagus dengan memungkinkannya penggunaan nama domain sendiri untuk alamat email. Mungkin juga penggunaan nama domain baru pada Yahoo! Mail merupakan persiapan dalam penyediaan fasilitas email dengan nama domain sendiri, dan nantinya Yahoo! ID adalah alamat email pengguna Yahoo! Mail secara lengkap seperti yang diterapkan untuk nama domain yang saat ini sudah disediakan.

Daftar Yahoo! Mail dengan Domain Baru | via Downloads Squad

Sumber :

High Paying Adsense Keywords Like Domains Yahoo

Domains Yahoo - Average price per click : $97.44

This is a keyword that is usually at the top of everyone's high paying list, and I'm not entirely sure why. Yahoo has a domain name registration service for webmasters. That means you can go to them and register the website address you want. This is a very inexpensive service. I do not think Yahoo offers any publicly available affiliate program or referral service for this registration service, so I would think the only entity bidding on this keyword would be Yahoo itself. That doesn't explain why the average cost per click is so high. This one just baffles me. It might be Yahoo trying to protect it's brand, or it might be some weird glitch. It could even be Google doing this on Yahoo's behalf to avoid getting sued by their biggest competitor. I should also note that "domains yahoo" is very weird grammar, perhaps Yahoo offers some service is a different country that is much more profitable, and these keyword bids are just a weird translation. "Domain name yahoo" is often second on some high paying keyword lists.

This page of Domains Yahoo information is intended to show you why it is a high paying keyword, so you might be able to understand what you'll need to know to make a website centered around it. Other sites just give you a list, I am just trying to explain why each keyword is on those lists. I do not claim to be a Domains Yahoo expert, and I encourage you to do your own research. The price for each keyword comes from a variety of high paying keyword lists, and I do not guarantee it is accurate at the time of your visit.

Hair Removal Washington DC - Average price : $68.00

This is another weird group of words that is worth a lot of money. To explain it, we have to look at several factors. Laser hair removal can be quite expensive. Women will often do this to get rid of unsightly moustaches and beards. Pause for a moment to laugh a little. Ok, now let's look at the other part, Washington DC. Our nation's capital. I've done a little research and found a few apparent competitors for this type of service. Sona Med Spa and Alternative Health Associates seem to be among the top contenders. Could this keyword be the result of a vicious bidding war? Probably. I do not expect to see this kind of thing last though, so you might not want to build a site around such a specific keyword. If you're interested in laser hair removal you might be able to make a profitable site out of that, but focus on more than the washington dc area.
This page of Hair Removal Washington DC information is intended to show you why it is a high paying keyword, so you might be able to understand what you'll need to know to make a website centered around it. Other sites just give you a list, I am just trying to explain why each keyword is on those lists. I do not claim to be a Hair Removal Washington DC expert, and I encourage you to do your own research. The price for each keyword comes from a variety of high paying keyword lists, and I do not guarantee it is accurate at the time of your visit.

This page of Hair Removal Washington DC information is intended to show you why it is a high paying keyword, so you might be able to understand what you'll need to know to make a website centered around it. Other sites just give you a list, I am just trying to explain why each keyword is on those lists. I do not claim to be a Hair Removal Washington DC expert, and I encourage you to do your own research. The price for each keyword comes from a variety of high paying keyword lists, and I do not guarantee it is accurate at the time of your visit.

Lemon Law Wisconsin - Average Price : $66.15

Lemon laws are different in each state. They protect car buyers who purchase vehicles that have a history of just not running well. Even models with a long history of reliability, such as a Toyota Corolla, can be labeled a lemon. Some cars are just made during a bad day at the factory. Lemon law keywords that are specific to every state are valuable because lawyers want to handle your lemon law case. They can get you lots of money from the car dealer, and a nice sum for themselves as well. So why does Wisconsin top the list? Because they love the cheese! Seriously, if you're going to make a website about lemon laws, include seperate pages of information for each state, do not just focus on the home of the Packers. There are probably just a couple law firms bidding these keywords up, they will come down.

This page of Lemon Law Wisconsin information is intended to show you why it is a high paying keyword, so you might be able to understand what you'll need to know to make a website centered around it. Other sites just give you a list, I am just trying to explain why each keyword is on those lists. I do not claim to be a Lemon Law Wisconsin expert, and I encourage you to do your own research. The price for each keyword comes from a variety of high paying keyword lists, and I do not guarantee it is accurate at the time of your visit.

Benchmark Lending - Average Price : $40

Benchmark lending was something I had never heard of. I did some research, and found it has to do with interest rates and banking, which seems to be a popular theme among high paying keywords. The benchmark rate is set by the Federal Reserve in the United States, and it is the interest rate the banks pay when they borrow money. That's right, your bank borrows money, too! They must have a certain amount of money on reserve, and when they don't they borrow money over a very short term (such as one night). So why is this term so valuable? Banks and mortgage companies seek out people who might need a loan. Banking makes it's money on loans, it's just a valuable business to be a part of when there are lots of customers. This price seems almost reasonable compared to many of the other keywords.

This page of Benchmark Lending information is intended to show you why it is a high paying keyword, so you might be able to understand what you'll need to know to make a website centered around it. Other sites just give you a list, I am just trying to explain why each keyword is on those lists. I do not claim to be a Benchmark Lending expert, and I encourage you to do your own research. The price for each keyword comes from a variety of high paying keyword lists, and I do not guarantee it is accurate at the time of your visit.This page of Benchmark Lending information is intended to show you why it is a high paying keyword, so you might be able to understand what you'll need to know to make a website centered around it. Other sites just give you a list, I am just trying to explain why each keyword is on those lists. I do not claim to be a Benchmark Lending expert, and I encourage you to do your own research. The price for each keyword comes from a variety of high paying keyword lists, and I do not guarantee it is accurate at the time of your visit.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma - Average Price : $36.00

Websites based around Mesothelioma started popping up around the same time sites started publishing lists of high paying keywords. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer caused by exposure to a type of asbestos used in building materials for decades. There have been many class-action lawsuits filed by people who got sick. This is where the value of the keyword came from. Lawyers want lots of people to join their class-action lawsuit. More people means a bigger settlement, and a bigger settlement means a bigger cut for them. And they don't have to do any more legal work than if they were just filing a lawsuit for one client! I would not recommend making a mesothelioma website to make money right now. There are just way too many people doing this, and there is no way the advertising is paying anywhere near the price the lawyers are paying per click. A mesothelioma website would only be good right now if it for educational purposes. Perhaps it's that kind of site that will eventually get a good ranking on Google, and hopefully sick people will finally get the quality information they need.

This page of Peritoneal Mesothelioma information is intended to show you why it is a high paying keyword, so you might be able to understand what you'll need to know to make a website centered around it. Other sites just give you a list, I am just trying to explain why each keyword is on those lists. I do not claim to be a Peritoneal Mesothelioma expert, and I encourage you to do your own research. The price for each keyword comes from a variety of high paying keyword lists, and I do not guarantee it is accurate at the time of your visit. It is the average price paid to get that keyword listed in the advertisers results. It is not the price that adsense pays per click. That price fluctuates and is against their terms to disclose.

Source :